International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies – September 7, 2023

5 IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT THE AIR 1 Oceans generate oxygen - The oceans produce roughly 70% of the world's oxygen. 2 Silent killer - Air pollution kills more people in Africa than poor sanitation or malnutrition. 3 Dead zones - There are presently around 500 dead zones in the globe in which no living organism can exist. 4 Carbon dioxide emitters - China leads the world in carbon dioxide production, with the United States coming in second. 5 Carbon dioxide cleaners - In 2016, giant machines in Switzerland started capturing carbon dioxide to clean the air we breathe. WHY INTERNATIONAL DAY OF CLEAN AIR FOR BLUE SKIES IS IMPORTANT? -A reminder of pollution's negative impact -As disheartening as it may sound, pollution has harmed half of the world's population. This day serves as a reminder to be more cautious and take precautions to save ourselves from the mess we have created. -A reminder to reduce dumping of waste -Picking up garbage is important, but so is avoiding trash in the first place. Examine your surroundings to see if you can replace some of your single-use packages with reusable containers to reduce waste. -It is beneficial to future generations -It's a cliche, but it's true: our planet's environment is a legacy we'll leave to our children and grandchildren. The more our present generation can whip pollution problems into shape, the better the future will look.
